Top 6 Lightroom Color Presets free download

Harnessing the power of editing tools is an essential part of this ever-dynamic field of photography. Lightroom has completely revolutionised photo editing by providing a platform where creativity knows no limits. Lightroom is the most sought after tool for editing. One of the most important aspects is the use of presets. 

Today we will take a look at everything we come across in Lightroom color presets free download, discover the artistry behind them and learn about all the ways you can integrate these tools into your creative workflow.  Let us understand from the beginning what is the function of Lightroom color presets.

Image by katemangostar on Freepik

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Understanding the Essence of Lightroom Color Presets

Let us first tell you that Lightroom color presets are pre-made photography settings that work in just one click. With one click, it has the ability to change everything from colors to different types of settings.  And when it comes to enhancing the visual appeal of your photos, Lightroom color presets come forward as invaluable assets.

Why choose Free Lightroom Color Presets?

By reading the important points given below, you can understand what benefits you can get by choosing our Lightroom color presets.

Efficiency at Your Fingertips

Lightroom color presets simplify your editing process, saving you time and effort. You can turn raw photos into vibrant professional looks with one click.

Consistent Aesthetics

It’s important to maintain a consistent visual style across your photography catalogue so the free Lightroom color presets provide a consistent look that ensures your photos have a storytelling preset that enhances your brand value.

Explore Diverse Styles

The world of presets is full of variety, from contemporary vibrant colours to vintage inspired tones. Free Lightroom color presets enable you to experiment with different styles while expanding your creativity goals.

So from above you have learned the important things about our Lightroom color presets and now let us also know about the top free Lightroom color presets.

Top Free Lightroom Color Presets

Below are some of the best free Lightroom presets that you can check out to improve your photography.

Vintage Vibes

Add a touch of nostalgia to your photos and the vintage presets exude warmth and softness as they reflect the past.

Moody Monochrome

Enjoy the allure of monochrome photography because it emphasises shadows and highlights for attractive images.  And moody presets create a dramatic atmosphere.

Pastel Dreams

Soft pastel tones add a better quality to photos and are ideal for portraits and landscapes. These presets create a gentle ethereal atmosphere.

Cinematic Marvels

Enhance your storytelling ability with Cinema presets that emulate the contrast and richness of colours found in blockbuster movies that add depth to your story.

 So this was about some of the top presets that you can search from our website and try it in your photography.

Downloading and Applying Lightroom color presets

To improve your photos, complete information from downloading to applying our Lightroom color presets is given below, you can understand it.

How to Download Lightroom Color Presets

1. Go to our website home page or search for your favourite preset.

 2. Choose your favourite collection from the following collection.

 3. Select your favourite preset from this collection

 4. Scrolled down to the bottom.

 5. If you click on the download button, you will go to the next page and from there you will get the zip file.

 5. Click on the download zip button and download the preset.

How to apply lightroom colour presets

Step 1: First of all open your Lightroom application.

 Step 2: Import or select downloaded preset

 Step 3: click on the presets option and then click the upper side corner 3 dots and now copy their setting.

 Step 4: select your favourite image otherwise import your favourite image.

 step 5: click on the presets option and then click 3 and paste setting.

 Step 6: Now your preset has been applied to your photo.

 So by following these above steps you can easily download and apply free Lightroom color presets to your photos.


And finally I would like to say that the world of free Lightroom color presets is nothing less than a treasure trove for photographers. Save these powerful tools in your to-do list and you will unlock unlimited creative ideas and transform your photos into these captivating works of art.  

Keep changing, explore and explore and continue your creativity with the magic of Lightroom color presets and always stay connected to our website so that you can get better results and do give us your suggestions below. Thank you

Presets Free Download NiteshPresets Free Download Nitesh


Hello, friends My name is Nitesh Mallah and I am the inventor of this blog Presets Free Download. I am 18 years old and I am a part time blogging person and actually if I tell you about myself, I am a student who is currently studying in the first year of graduation. I completed my studies from 1 to 12 and did matriculation and Got a good rank in Inter.